Impact Local & Global Communities

Reese Institute for Conservation of Natural Resources

Supporting the adage "think globally, act locally."

At LR, we have always believed in combining conservation with responsible economic development, whether in our own backyard, halfway across the country or all the way around the world.

The Reese Institute for the Conservation of Natural Resources provides our students an unprecedented opportunity to do exactly that — participate in a curriculum that supports the adage "think globally, act locally."

Through service learning, scholarship, fieldwork experience, travel opportunities and internships, you will have the chance to positively impact our immediate community, while setting your sights on the larger conservation issues of the nation and beyond.

The Reese Institute is affiliated with the undergraduate Environmental Science and Policy program and the graduate program in Sustainability Studies.

Through my work at the Reese Institute, I have been able to further my personal and professional skills around advocating for sustainable solutions.

Kaley Cross
Dassow University Commons house and sign

The Lenoir-Rhyne University Alumni Association has approved nine new and returning board members, whose terms will run June 1, 2024, through May 31, 2027.

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Six members of the grant writing team for the Noyce scholarship program stand in the George Hall lobby

Awarded through the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, the funds will diversify STEM education by providing scholarships for Master of Arts in teaching students specializing in STEM subjects.

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