• Commencement Information

    Happy graduation week! If you still need your rain tickets or honor cords, they will be available for you at check-in on Friday (Hickory campus).

    Student check-in is Friday at 4:30 p.m. in Shuford Arena. Guests are asked to be in their seats by 5:30 p.m.

    Any changes to the commencement schedule will be posted here. 

    Commencement Information

Theatre Minor

Prepare for a career onstage, backstage or off-stage with plenty of in-class and out-of-class-learning.

By pursuing a minor in theatre, you can expect to refine your performance and presentation abilities, build project management and other leadership skills, and develop a greater capacity to work collaboratively—under pressure situations.

Our impressive theatre program offers a rich and diverse combination of experiences to prepare you for careers onstage, backstage or off-stage.

Supplementing class work is a rigorous production line up involving mainstage shows, studio series productions and touring programs.

By pursuing a minor in theatre, students will refine their performance and presentation abilities, build project management and other leadership skills, and develop a greater capacity to work collaboratively.

The theatre program offers a rich and diverse combination of experiences in the classroom, in the production process, and onstage.